2020 March Meeting Minutes

President Tom Miro called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. on March 10, 2020 at Jan’s Beach House Grill. There were 25 members present. Tom opened the meeting by mentioning the illness of fellow member Larry Miller. A card was passed around for members to sign. Treasurer Andy Martin gave the financial report. Russell Whigham gave an update on the website. He has posted the thank you letter received from Children’s Harbor for the club’s annual donation. He has also created a “swag” area where members can go to purchase merchandise and other items for sale.
Old business was discussed. Russell gave a report on the lunch run to Niffer’s on February 15. Andy thanked Blitz Welch for opening his shop for Tinker day on February 29. Amanda Welch thanked club members for participating in the Pike Road Art Market at the Town Hall on March 7 and said the Pike Road Arts Council really appreciated the club’s display and felt it generated traffic to the Market.
New business was discussed. Tom announced that the first meeting about British Car Day, October 10 would be on Thursday, March 12 at 5:30. Tom said that all members are welcome and if anyone could not attend to please send him any ideas so that he could bring them up at the meeting. David Price gave details on the covered bridges trip on March 14. The meeting time and place is 8:00 at the Burger King on the Northern bypass. The trip will be an all day excursion with stops for lunch and photos at each bridge.
There will be a trip to the Marble Festival in Sylacauga on April 4 and an “on your own” visit to the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts for the Art of the Automobile exhibit, April 2-5.
Finally, Dan Bryne made a proposal to meet on the first Tuesday of the month instead of the second Tuesday. The day of the meeting was changed from Monday to Tuesday at the last meeting due to the Jammin’ with Jan event every Monday. Dan explained that a long-time club member had a conflict on the second Tuesday of the month. He also stated that having an extra week after the meeting would benefit in planning events. Dan made a motion to change the meeting day to the first Tuesday of the month. Tom called for a show of hands. There were 18 in favor, 1 against and 6 abstentions so the motion passed. Russell stated he would update the website calendar and Dan agreed to meet with Jan to make sure she had the change reflected on her calendar. The next club meeting will be on April 7 (later cancelled due to Covid-19).
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
Pamela Bransford, Secretary